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Please take time to Sign-Up for a Chapter Committee

The National Commission on Arts and Letters was established in 1973 by then-National President Lillian Benbow. The mission of the Arts and Letters Committee of the Austin Alumnae Chapter is directly aligned with that of the National Commission on Arts and Letters. We strive to promote a positive image of African Americans and other minorities in our community through the medium of music, dance, drama, and poetry. The committee promotes worthwhile cultural endeavors and artists through activities and events such as Delta Red Carpet/theatre outings, concerts, plays, book clubs, painting, and artists’ showcases.

For more information, please get in touch with the chair at

Jonna LaGrone-Haynes & Tamera Diggs-Tate, Co-Chairs

This committee is responsible for planning and advising the chapter on fiscal matters. It prepares an annual operating budget and makes recommendations on local chapter dues. It recommends that the Austin Alumnae Chapter undertake financial projects for the sorority year and coordinates with special committees appointed to implement those projects.

For more information, please get in touch with the chair at or

Khaison Reed, Treasurer & Kimily Johnson, Asst. Treasurer; Anita Daniels, Financial Secretary & Tennille Thomas, Asst. Secretary

The role of the committee is to develop and execute a plan to inform the membership and the public about the Austin Alumnae Chapter and to promote the sorority’s projects and activities.

For more information, please get in touch with the chairs at or

Autumn Caviness, Journalist; La'Kisha Crenshaw & Courtney Nolan, News

The purpose of this committee is to increase awareness about emergency response activities. The committee provides structures and systematic training for the membership’s readiness, response and recovery efforts. The committee also provides steps for early response and efficient recovery and develops resources and guidance for chapter members impacted by natural or artificial disasters. The committee offers effective and immediate communication strategies to facilitate and aid in preparedness and response.

For more information, please get in touch with the chair at

Suzanne Piper, Tanya Rippenkroger & Ollie White, Co-Chairs

This committee recommends and implements an approved program commemorating the founding of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. on an annual basis.

Tamela Saldana, Chair

The Heritage and Archives Committee is to gather, record, and preserve the ongoing history of the Chapter so that future members may learn of its inception, growth, and development while following National Heritage & Archives guidelines. The committee also develops a  publication to document and highlight chapter events and member news.

Nancy Thompson & Tashia Coleman, Co-Chairs

The Committee’s primary responsibility is to provide hospitality to both members of the Austin Alumnae Chapter and visiting Deltas.  The committee is charged with promoting fellowship within the Chapter.

This committee audits the financial transactions of the chapter on a quarterly basis in preparation for the yearly audit and to ensure compliance with the sorority's financial guidelines.

Sophia Williams, Chair

The committee’s intention is to offer learning resources and experiences that will enhance both leadership presence and leadership competencies.  Throughout the sorority year, Deltas will learn leadership techniques that can be applied within Delta as well as in their professional careers.  The mission of this committee is to ignite the inner leader within every Delta to enable the delivery of greatness in the name of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

The committee’s mission is to provide an “Atmosphere of Sisterly Love.”  The committee endeavors to design activities that not only promote retention and reclamation but a sisterhood. The committee’s key programs/projects include the Chapter Retreat, and Sisterhood Month celebration and activities. The committee will also utilize technology to enhance chapter and Delta communication to foster awareness of and participation in Austin Alumnae Chapter activities and projects.

For more information, please get in touch with the chair at

Jacqueline Habersham, Chair

This committee attends NPHC meetings and represents the chapter for input on joint activities. The committee updates NPHC events to the chapter and inputs chapter events into the NPHC calendar.

Chair & Co-Chair Kim Whitlock, Chair & Bre' Stafford, Darralyn Johnson

This committee comprises elected offices working together to identify the best candidate for each elected office in the chapter. It presents a slate recommending these candidates. Members of the Nominating Committee can only serve for one term.

Carla Roberson, Chair
Members:  Gloria Frazier, Lisa Newman, LaTasha Robinson, Gloria Williams

The objective of the committee is to review proposed and recommended changes to the Chapter’s policies and procedures documents and to ensure that said policies and procedures are aligned with those of the Regional and National structure.

For more information, please get in touch with the chair at

Patricia Shorter, Chair

Following established protocol enables the Sorority to proceed smoothly, efficiently, and predictably and serves to enhance the image of the organization. Sorors serving on this committee are responsible for helping to ensure that the membership follows procedures as prescribed by the Founders and the National office.

Cedel Evans & Sandra Marshall, Co-Chairs

The major programs of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. are based upon the organization's Five-Point Programmatic Thrust.  To support the Programmatic Thrust, the Austin Alumnae Chapter proudly sponsors programs that encourage the development of young girls and boys. Such programs include Delta Academy, Delta GEMS, and EMBODI (our youth initiatives). The youth initiatives are made possible through the generous efforts of volunteers who give their time and many talents selflessly.

Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. has established a comprehensive risk management framework to ensure the organization's safety, volunteers, and youth participants.

Nancy Knight-Brown, Chair

The Committee will oversee the proper execution of ceremonies as stipulated in the official Ritual of the Grand Chapter. The committee will maintain the properties and recommend the purchase and /or replacement of current properties. The committee will provide opportunities for members to increase their knowledge of and appreciation for the fundamental principles as demonstrated in the Sorority’s Ritual and Ceremonies and Protocol documents.

Michelle Scruggs, Chair

The Committee develops a systematic process of envisioning a desired future and translating that vision into broadly defined goals and objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them. Enables the chapter to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, and ensure members work toward common goals. Adjusts the chapter’s direction in response to a changing environment. Provides the measurement of the chapter’s successes.

Dewi Smith, Chair

The purpose of this committee is to oversee and advise the Executive Board on matters of innovation and technology. Key responsibilities include updating the Chapter’s website and email addresses and providing training to Deltas. During the sorority year, the committee supports other committees by assisting them with their technology needs.

For more information, please get in touch with the chair at

Kathryn Foster & Khaison Wyandon-Reed, Co-Chairs

The committee work in conjunction with the other standing committees especially Finance, Program Planning & Development, and Scholarship, to plan events for the purpose of raising funds to support the community service and scholarship programs of the chapter.

For more information, please get in touch with the chair at

Alnita Foote, Chair

Use the Communication Request Form for Committee Requests

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